Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lasagna Take Two

Today, Vera asked me to make lasagna again, which I believe is a good sign that the first time I made it, it was good. So with the help of Marina, I made it again. I did it a little differently this time because we didn't have much tomato sauce so I added tomatoes. We'll see how it tastes...

The reality of it all...

I was looking through some pictures on my camera today and found this one that Rita took. I think this picture shows that doing missionary work is not always easy and we get tired. In this picture, I look really tired but even though I am tired I rejoice in the opportunity the Lord has brought my way. I know I sometimes complain because I am tired or I am frustrated because I don't understand things. But I must say that no matter what I go through I know and really see the Lord working here. I believe that when we put our needs and wants aside, God shows you what really matters.


семья...I had to look up what this meant. When I did look it up I got a little teary eyed because Nadya wrote this on the dry erase board in my room. And you want to know what the word And look, my name is include. :)

My Lovely Walk

Okay so I went on a walk yesterday which was extremely nice. I wanted to take a few pictures of my walk, but every time I pulled out my camera I totally felt like a tourist so...I only took a few.

1st Picture: This is where I like to get away and have a small piece of heaven...a cappuccino. Glorious!
2nd Picture and 3rd Picture: This is a beautiful cathedral right across from the metro station.
4th Picture: This is a picture of a BEAUTIFUL shop with beautiful china. I took this picture thinking of my Aunt Gayle at home who collects teapots.
5th Picture: I was walking behind this lady with these dogs and the whole time I was trying not to laugh. Those dogs are HILARIOUS. The way they walk, the sounds they make, and the way the owner talked to them just made me giggle.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Megan and Vera's Bonding Time <3

Vera and I made cookies today. With a lot of laughs and broken Russian and English, we made some very "koosna" cookies/ cupcake cookies.

My Lasagna Effort

So last week Vera asked me if I would make lasagna because Nikita really likes it. Well, besides the fact that I really have no clue what I am doing in the kitchen, how do you make lasagna without ricotta cheese and without cottage cheese? I did without both and I have no clue how it is going to taste. It looks like lasagna, smells like lasagna, so lets hope and pray its also tastes like lasagna.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday with Masha

Today, I went with Masha to Calvary Chapel and spent the afternoon with her. The service this morning was awesome looking at 1 John 2. Also, the translator did such a great job! Then after church I met some of Masha's friends. We then headed of the the Gulf of Finland! Haha! Masha and I had lunch at Carl's Jr. and walked around the mall, watching a Bridal photo shoot and finding a really cool store that was pretty reasonably priced. We then walk out to the Gulf of Finland, which besides the fog and the slight darkness, was BEAUTIFUL. All in all, a great day!

Orphanage with Karina and Misha

This Saturday night I went with Karina and Misha to an orphanage to help teach English. If was kinda funny because my "students" were teaching there students. We had a group of about 6 boys who were about 12-13 years old. The effort they put forth was awesome. They did such a great job and I enjoyed meeting them all!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

More cooking!

Masha Mikhaylova gave me some biscuits to bake (they are the ones you just add water too). I had fun making them and Vera really liked them.


So we haven't had internet for a few days so I am sorry I have not updated my blog sooner. Yesterday I opened my email and saw 40 new messages! I enjoyed reading many emails about home and seeing how well things are going. Also yesterday, I  got to go on a walk with the girls. Here are two pictures: one is on Nadya and the other is of Marina. We were waiting outside of Rita's work for Rita.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Praying for Daddy

Even though I maybe thousands of miles away, I am still praying for you. Good luck with your interview today, Daddy! I will be thinking of and praying for you today! Love you!


I just took some pictures at church last Sunday. Here they are!

My Second Time Cooking AND My Brownies

So this week I was bound and determined to do some kind of dessert, so after a Skype call to my mom and grandma I decided to try brownies. I made a trip to Dixie's and got some eggs and some other for making dinner. We don't have a cake pan here so I used a cupcake pan. I think they turned out alright. Vera seems to really like them, and I think she asked for the recipe but I am not sure. Also, I made dinner. Pasta and browned meat and tomato sauce and carrots and onions and some garlic seasoning....hmmm sounds like what I made last week! Haha! Well almost the same, different kind of pasta this week :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Night at Masha's

A few nights ago, I had the privilege to visit a good friend of mine, Masha. She was the translator and director/ leader on the previous trips I have taken to Russia. We were able to fellowship and have dinner with much discussion and encouragement. I must say that I am pretty proud of my travelling skills here in Russia. I took the metro 5 stops and then got on a marshrootka [small van/bus] and rode it close to her home. I didn't even get lost! Praise God!

[Picture is before our wonderful meal and of the beautiful bottle Masha uses for filtered water :)]


Today was another good day of bonding! Rita and I went to Marina's house yesterday and stayed the night. We got back home today around 2pm. When we got home, we made blini (Russian pancakes). We had a lot of fun! We were singing in the kitchen "How Great is Our God" in both English and Russian. It was so cool! God is so good!

[First picture was taken at Marina's house, she was showing us how to help get rid of wrinkles with kiwi :)]

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

English Club

Yesterday, I had my second English class. It went really well with only two students Misha and David. They are really starting to pronounce words really well. I pray that they are not bored. I am starting to realize that it is good I didn't go into education as a career, or maybe it is the lack of material. I am not sure but I will be honest, it is difficult to figure out what to teach them. Please pray!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oh and by the way!

Today, it snowed!

Baking in Russia

First, baking for me in America is hard enough, so baking in Russia was a little difficult. In Russia, you cannot always find the ingredients you need when following an American recipe. And as if baking without all the needed ingredients wasn't hard enough, baking cake and making frosting for Sasha (who is allergic to milk) was even harder. Vera had this cake mix that could be made without milk, and it was in English so she asked me to make it for Sasha. Now on the front of the box is a picture of a cake with frosting. When Sasha saw there was no frosting on the cupcakes I made, he didn't want to eat them. So this morning I spent 30 minutes looking through recipes for frosting that doesn't use milk and had ingredients we have here at home. So eventually I found a recipe for brown sugar frosting, okay easy enough. No! You have to use a double boiler. (Of course, I have not idea what that is, so I googled images) So with my make shift double boiler, I made brown sugar frosting, and I am pretty proud of the results. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Exciting News

I find it so awesome how the Lord works. His timing on things are so perfect! Yesterday, I visited a hospital here in St. Petersburg and not a few hours later I found out that I got accepted to Methodist College of Nursing. I just think it is so cool how the Lord pulls everything together. I thank everyone who is praying for me! And I praise God for His guidance and for the doors He is opening in my life!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hospital visit with Liza and Boukje

Today, I had the opportunity to visit cancer patients at a hospital with Liza and Boukje. The children there were so precious. We were able to just put a smile on their faces by playing games like Skip-Bo and the memory game. It was a really cool experience for me because I am studying to become a nurse. It was really interesting to see how a hospital works in Russia compared to the United States. But more importantly, I had a blast just playing with the kids and seeing them light up with joy. I cannot imagine spending weeks in the hospital as a child, so it was good to give the kids time to be kids and have some fun. 

All the Girls!

This picture includes the girls that graduated this family home and the ones that are currently living here. Oh and of course, me! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MIR Meeting

Today, I had the privilege to attend the MIR prayer meeting. During prayer, I felt the Lord really challenge me. When prayer was finished, I looked around the room and noticed that I was the youngest one there. I felt the Lord challenging me that my ministry does not stop when I leave Russia and go back to the States. I have a huge missions field at my community college and in my own community. Sometimes I think I use the excuse I am too young and no one will listen to me. But that is when I remembered 1 Timothy 4:12, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." What an awesome verse for Christian young people!

Waiting for an E-mail

This is me waiting for my lovely mother to e-mail me. I miss you, Mom!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Night English Class

These are my advanced English students. Tonight, we played an alphabet game with cards.  My students are learning how to pronounce simple words. They are having fun learning these words by playing many rounds of Bingo.

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request. The boys in my family home are sick and have been home from school for a few days. If you would, pray that they would get better and also that I would not get sick.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Orphanage Party

Today, we had 13 children to our apartment from orphanage 51. They were able to spend a day with our family, having sweets, drinking Kool-aide, and playing with toys. It was awesome to see them light up with joy! I praise God for these children, they are His creation and they are so precious.

My First Day Cooking

I will admit that I am a horrible cook. But this meal seemed to turn out just fine. Hey, Mom, I told you I could cook!

Pray for Katya

The Lord has laid Katya, a girl in my home, on my heart. Please pray for her.