Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Lovely Walk

Okay so I went on a walk yesterday which was extremely nice. I wanted to take a few pictures of my walk, but every time I pulled out my camera I totally felt like a tourist so...I only took a few.

1st Picture: This is where I like to get away and have a small piece of heaven...a cappuccino. Glorious!
2nd Picture and 3rd Picture: This is a beautiful cathedral right across from the metro station.
4th Picture: This is a picture of a BEAUTIFUL shop with beautiful china. I took this picture thinking of my Aunt Gayle at home who collects teapots.
5th Picture: I was walking behind this lady with these dogs and the whole time I was trying not to laugh. Those dogs are HILARIOUS. The way they walk, the sounds they make, and the way the owner talked to them just made me giggle.

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