Sunday, November 1, 2009

Angel of Encouragement

Today, I had an experience that I have never had before, but it came at a much needed time. I went to a different church this morning with Liza and Boukje. I was running late and was told I am becoming a "real" Russian. Haha! Anyways, I hurried to the elevator of the hotel where the church was being held. The service was going to be held on the 18th floor. Four people including myself enter the elevator, two of which chose different floors and one didn't chose a floor at all. Well, once there were only two of us in the elevator, the other woman asked me something in Russian and I nodded assuming she was asking if I was going to the 18th floor. After I exited the elevator, I saw and greeted Liza and Boukje. To my surprise not five minutes later, the woman from the elevator came up to us and asked me if I spoke English. She went on to say that this was the first time she was attending this church service and actually didn't know where it was being held. She then said that she knew by looking at me that I was a Christian. She said she decided to follow me to wherever I was going because she could feel God's presence around me. She said she wanted to tell me this as a kind of encouragement. I was kind of in shock. But when we went into the service, the opening prayer was about walking in God's Spirit, walking in His presence. I wanted to cry because this is the first experience I have ever had where someone has said such things to me. I really needed this encouragement. I don't know this woman's name, but I believe she is an Angel of Encouragement sent from God. He works in such miraculous ways!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! You do shine Jesus wherever you go--I agree with her!!
    So glad you have fun with your Russian/Holland buddettes!
