Monday, November 9, 2009

Night with Liza and Boukje

I think it is so interesting how the Lord brings people into your life. Liza and Boukje are two awesome girls I have met at church and I would definitely say we will be friends for a long time. Every time we are together, we laugh constantly, so much it hurts. :) They are awesome girls who serve the Lord. Liza is from St. Petersburg and has graduated from a family home. Boukje is from Holland. She is studying Russian here in St. Petersburg and working in a hospital and orphanage ministry.

Saturday night we had a sleep-over at Liza and Boukje's flat. It was a blast!

So I am going to explain these pictures because you wouldn't understand unless you were there. First two pictures are of burnt popcorn. Liza wanted popcorn so bad. She looked at the bag for directions on how long to put it in the microwave for, well instead of reading the directions she just looked at the demonstrative pictures. Which showed a microwave with 5 she put the popcorn in for 5 minutes! Needless to say, the apartment will smell like burnt popcorn for a while.

The third picture is of Liza "blowing up" my mattress. We laugh about this for quite some time though I don't really know why.

Last picture, these are the most horrible shoes EVER. So I was trying to be Russian and wear high heels. I must say wearing those boots was so miserable and painful. If you doubt me, just ask Boukje. Like an awesome friend, she changed shoes with me for a while so my feet could stop throbbing.

1 comment:

  1. Good times Burnt popcorn and Bad boots!!! Love the pics!! Hope you are doing great!
