Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend of Fun and Fellowship

This weekend seemed to be extremely busy and loads of fun. I had the privilege to go visit Masha Mikhaylova, her mom, and her grandma. We had a wonderful dinner and took a wonderful walk. I had so much fun walking with Masha's mom hearing about different buildings and parks. It was such a good and encouraging time!

Then after I had dinner with Masha on Saturday, I went to have a sleepover with a bunch of girls from my church. We ate lots of sweets and junk food while watching a movie. We had lots of laughs and the time was filled with memories!

The next morning we all got ready and went to church together. The church service was really good and extremely encouraging. We talked about prayer and the power that God has. I learned I really should make sure I am not keeping God in a box. He can do anything! Praise God for his faithfulness!

After church, we went to lunch with a group from Holland. We had a good time and I got to eat Subway! :) After that we looked around the mall for a while before getting ready for the circus. Boukje, Liza and I went to the circus. And as you can see we had a BLAST! I was in awe the whole time. Fun fun!

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